Ans: With the bucket attached 1.10 metres wide on level ground. Some other attachments require more width but can lifted through gateways while slung sideways. More space may be required if there is a sharp turn along a narrow passageway.

Ans: The operator is not protected from the weather by a cab so most jobs are done in fine weather. It is however possible to drill holes or cut trenches in light rain on flat grass covered terrain or move metal on a driveway.

Ans: No site is the same and different jobs require drier conditions e.g. lawn preparation cannot be done with wet or muddy soil. Our guideline is to wait until the roads and footpaths are dry before heading to your job. If you feel your boots slipping in the clay or mud it's probably too wet. Some sites take days of fine windy weather to dry out so patience is required.

Ans: You will not normally be charged if the job is postponed at the last minute due to rain, however if you insist against our better judgement that Bay Dingos comes and attempts your job then you will be responsible for the minimum charge plus travel. You may also be charged for cleaning the machine if it gets mud bound.

Ans: The dingo is only one third the weight of a bobcat so provided the ground is not soft or muddy it will not leave ruts when travelling in a straight line. Turns can also be made in small increments with minimum damage to grass. When the dingo needs to turn many times this can be done on a sheet of plywood to protect the lawn. Sometimes dirt will drop from the tyres and build up as a track on a lawn. If this is gently raked off the lawn will recover.

Ans: No. the machine is lighter than an average car and only weights 1.2 tonnes with the bucket full. It is however too heavy to drive over mowing strips unless a ramp is placed over them. The truck weighs up to 5 tonnes fully laden so can also access driveways provided concrete has dried and has been appropriately cut for shrinkage.

Ans: Either time is OK. During the day your call goes direct to the operator in the field who can book your job or take your details and ring back later. Please leave a message or send a text if you can't get through as sometimes cell phone coverage is poor in the field or the contractor unable to answer because he is driving.

Ans: Most times you need to call and book several days ahead, however in busy autumn and spring months the dingo contractor can be booked 10 days ahead.

Ans: Bay Dingos does not aim to compete with bobcats as the machines serve different purposes. If the space permits we will recommend that you get a bobcat as these big machines can move up to three times as much spoil per hour as a dingo yet only cost $10 to $20 more per hour to hire. Sometimes the most cost effective solution is to use a dingo for the hard to access back yard work and get the bobcat with its bigger truck to take spoil away from the front yard. Other times the delicate nature of the whole job dictates the sole use of a dingo.

Ans: No. In the Bay of Plenty the conditions do not merit the use of expensive tracks which are prone to coming off when making numerous turns. Should conditions merit, dual wheels can be attached to the dingo.

Ans: If it sounds like you have a complex job to do then we will come and appraise your job free of charge when time permits. In most cases an estimate to within 20% will be provided. Firm, written quotes can be supplied to trusts, schools, and churches where board approval is required. In these instances some allowance has to be made for unforeseeable difficulties so the quote is likely to be higher than an estimate. If the nature of the job is altered on the day of the work then additional charges are incurred for the variations. If you have a simple job that is likely to only take an hour or so then an estimate can be given over the phone based on your description. Some of these jobs can be completed faster than the time it takes to do a quote or on site estimate so it makes economic sense to do an estimate over the phone.

Ans: Trenches 150 mm wide, which are used for power cables are usually 600 to 700 mm deep but can be up to 900 mm deep.

Trenches 300 mm wide for footings and sewer pipes are typically up to 600 mm deep but can be dug to over 800 mm deep

Ans: The normal limit for pile holes and retaining poles is 2.3 metres. However, by using extensions, Bay Dingos can auger soak holes and lift shafts up to 6 metres deep.

Ans: In dry conditions the maximum safe gradient is 30° which is a slope you can still walk up without slipping. To drill straight holes on a slope the dingo needs to be able to face straight up hill or straight down hill. To excavate with a bucket the dingo needs to face down hill or the operator will create a level platform to start the task. When trenching across a steep slope it may be necessary to first use the trencher to cut a bench for the wheel on the high side. Alternatively spoil from the trenching can be shoveled under the wheels on the low side.

Ans: No. On most occasions the client shows the operator the task required then leaves him to finish it. Sometimes the client can help speed the task by clearing dirt from the edges of pile holes or from close to fences, walls and buildings, provided it is safe for them to be nearby.

Ans: The operator will normally take your address, email details etc and send the invoice by email a few days later so that you can pay by internet banking , within seven days. You can also pay on completion by cash and receive a hand written receipted invoice, however the contractor does not carry change and will not know the charges due until the machinery has been packed away. It is likely that there will not be enough time to whip down to the a.t.m. machine to get the money at the last minute.

Ans: Yes. The main requirement is that children must be kept clear of the work area and preferably confined indoors.

If your property has a gas pipe in the vicinity then a gas plan not more that 20 days old is required before we can dig. A full sevices plan is usefull and can be down loaded from the council website. Power, water, sewerage, stormwater, irrigation, firbre optic cables, and stormwater, are under ground and can be damaged.

The contractor will survey you site for hazards when he arrives and advise any other requirements. If you know of any hazards then please advise him.

Ans: No. He is usually self sufficient, carrying lunch and a thermos. If it is hot and dry then the provision of an ice cold drink is appreciated as dehydration is a danger to be avoided.

Ans: YES You may choose to get Hydroseeding sprayed on by a separate contractor or have ready lawn laid by a landscaping company. If getting ready lawn (turf) let the operator know as the levels are different than a sown lawn.